Here's how can view and work on your own desktop from any corner of the world.

The first thing you should know is the ip-address of your PC.Then the user and password of the account of the PC you want to access.

IP Address can be found out by going into StartMenu->Run

Type cmd

Then type ipconfig

Now Goto My Computer Properties->Remote(Tab)->Check both the check boxes given there->Apply->Ok

Goto Start Menu->All Programs->Accesories->Communication->Remote Desktop Connection

Enter the computer as the IP-ADDRESS,username of the PC and password.

Then Click Connect.



If you want to connect to your PC with only a username and with no password.


Goto StartMenu->Control Panel->Administrative Tools-> Local Security Policy->Local Policies->Security Option->Accounts:Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only->Disabled

Now connect Remote Desktop without password.

You are done with it............Enjoy


$heldon said...

nice work techie but dats my pc name der in the login form!!!