Google’s Realtime Search offers you a convenient way to search through status updates, news articles and other links that are shared on the social web, mainly Twitter and Facebook.
Microsoft too has a similar search product called Bing Social and though both these tools are powered by the same data coming from Twitter and Facebook, I find Bing’s Social Search a slightly better product than Google’s Realtime Search.

Both Bing and Google display search results from Facebook and Twitter in a self-updating river of news format but with Bing Social, you have an option to filter out status updates by source.
That means you can limit your search results to either Twitter or Facebook, something that is currently not possible in Google’s Realtime search.

Bing Social is also an excellent tool for searching news stories and blog posts that are being shared on Facebook without you having to log into your Facebook account.
Search for a topic on Bing Social, limit the source to "Facebook" and click "Shared Links." It shows the number of times a particular story has been shared by Facebook users and thus, it gets so easy for you to discover popular stories around your topics of interest in near real-time.